macro_rules! bytevec_decl { {$($(#[$attr:meta])* struct $name:ident {$($field:ident : $t:ty),*})*} => { ... }; {$($(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident {$(pub $field:ident : $t:ty),*})*} => { ... }; {$($(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident {$($field:ident : $t:ty),*})*} => { ... }; }
Declares the given structures and implements the byte serialization traits.
This macro allows the user to declare an arbitrary number of structures that
automatically implement both the ByteEncodable
and ByteDecodable
as long as all of the fields also implement both traits.
bytevec_decl! { #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Point { x: u32, y: u32 } } fn main() { let p1 = Point {x: 32, y: 436}; let bytes = p1.encode::<u32>().unwrap(); let p2 = Point::decode::<u32>(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(p1, p2); }